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This project is proposed by Daniel Wang. The main propose is to create resource site for Chinese and English translators. The secondary propose may be for English learning.

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Introduction[ | ]

Now we have a test site. Interested people please feel free to play with it.

What is Wiki?[ | ]

Wiki是一種可以讓任何人自由的張貼與編輯的內容系統 (content system)。維客除了集思廣益外,它自由的特性表示著它的內容可以沒有任何邊境,而這最大的代表可算是多語言百科全書 Wikipedia

內容與目標[ | ]


The primary goal is create an extensive reference for Mandarin-English translators, especially those with certain imbalance of Mandarin and English skills. The content will incorporate:

  1. A dictionary that is extensively cross-linked and redundent: normally, a bilingual dictionary has a size limit, and it matches the meaning of a word/phrase with one or a few words/phrases in another language. However, sometimes the word isn't the one the translator wants, or the source document (e.g. a technical document) uses several similar terms but assign to them specific meanings. So the translator has to switch back and forth between several thesauri and dictionaries. A wiki has no size limit, and its hyperlink feature makes looking up similar words easy.
  2. A "grammar" dictionary: common grammar structures (e.g. "which is...") can be translated in a variety of ways. Having lists of equivelent grammar structures (and sample usages) can be helpful for dealing with complex sentences.
  3. Glossaries for food, people's names, technical terms, etc.
  4. Quotations (Wikiquotes doesn't have translations listed side by side with the sources)
  5. Articles on difficult-to-translate text such as 武俠小說 (wuxia fiction)
  6. 中文文法概念的文章給出國留學人士 review 用。

When everything is said and done, the result should look more like one giant glossary than a dictionary.

A secondary goal that we might consider is to write articles for English learners. See issues

Issues[ | ]

A number of things need to be discussed. In order of priority, they are: content licensing, name and title, openess, intended audience, and content and interface language.

Content Licensing[ | ]

All content on Wikia must be licensed under GNU Free Documentation License, meaning all content can be freely copied, modified, and distributed by anyone (as long as the copies or derivative works are under the same license). The concept of free content will be new to many of our potential contributors. So, before moving on further, we need to know if our potential contributors are willing to go with this. If there is no agreement, then we need to consider a different wiki hosting solution.


  • Daniel Wang
  • Cats I Love
  • 哇哩哇喇
  • 檸檬草

不贊成用 GNUFDL 的

  • what if some weirdo comes along and deletes everything?? (Silver)
  • What is the alternative?
  • 是不是任何人都可以進來把所有內容殺光光?

Openness[ | ]

在維客上任何人都可以修改與刪除內容,這好處是所有人都可以簡單地做出貢獻,內容也會很活躍,而缺點是可能會有惡意人士上來做破壞。在一個活躍的維客中,破壞或完笑可以很容易的修正。所有的修改都有記錄,只要復舊到前一版就可以了。另外,在 Wikia 的系統上,只有有管理員的權限的人才可以刪除頁面,不過同樣的,在一個活躍的維客管理人通常都不需要介入內容的管理。

另外,到目前我們徵求的人員都來自 Y!知識+,而我們在 Y!知識+也許有時會連結到這個維客。一個潛在的問題是 Y!知識+ 也有一些小白(有多少我們不知道),而本維客的參與人在回答英文問題時有時會與這些人有磨擦,因此這維客 可能會吸引許多惡意人士來破壞。在推廣上這是個矛盾。一個維客要成功,有心參與的人必須多過破壞的人,而如果我們剛開始只用私人訊息來徵人,我們會限制有多少有心參加的人,但如果我們公開在 Y!知識+上徵人,可能馬上會有許多人來破壞。一個解決方案是到其它的地方推廣,例如到大摩域英語教室小笨霖英語

Intended Audience[ | ]

Since this project grows partly out of Y!知識+, we might think about adding people learning English as our intended audience.

因為這專案提議有一部份出自 Y!知識+,我們也可以思考要不要把學習英文的人加到對象內。

Related Projects[ | ]

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